5 Website Health Checks for a Strong Start to 2025

Shifting business goals, evolving technologies, and new regulations can all leave their mark on your digital presence. What worked for the business in January 2024 might now be outdated, broken, or just plain wrong. Here are 5 website health checks you should review now.

Charis Dickson Photo

VP of Operations

Charis Dickson

Want something done? Just get Charis on it. Known as the Peaktwo pacemaker, Charis (it rhymes with Paris) keeps all the plates spinning and makes sure none of them crash. How does she do it? It’s all in her roll-up-your-sleeves attitude, her ability to juggle and shift with ease, and her refreshingly no-drama outlook.

From managing the financials, to making meaningful reports out of columns of data, to poring over the nitty-gritty details within each project, Charis happily cracks the whip and sweats the small stuff—all while managing to be one of the most easy-going people we know. (Maybe it’s the accent?) Before coming to Peaktwo, Charis worked for some of the world’s largest and most reputable marketing service and IT industry consultancies.

Born in Scotland, she graduated from the UK’s Coventry University with a degree in equine studies, giving her equal parts horse sense and business sense. When she’s not wrangling our projects, she enjoys spending time with her son and daughter, ages 20 and 18, hiking with her husband and two dogs, and leading numerous church activities.

Peaktwo Mountain